Monday, March 19, 2012

Crazy "God" Things!

Well, at the end of last week's blog we were laying on our left sides for 390 days and cooking our bread with human feces. Sorry to leave you with that picture. It’s gross. It’s disgusting! I can’t believe God thought of it! Poor Ezekiel!

So, has God asked you to do something that is so weird you can hardly believe it came from Him? Once you figured the instructions were from Him, were you reluctant to share it with anyone? You knew they would think you a) really weren’t listening and heard from the enemy rather than the One true God, b) were doing what you wanted to do, or c) you’d lost your mind.

Think on Abraham and what God asked him to do. Put his only son, the one he knew was coming yet had to wait upon for years, on an altar and sacrifice him. Abraham’s obedience was absolutely amazing. God did stop him from sacrificing his son, but Abraham’s willingness to be obedient was unquestionable.

Of course Abraham didn’t live in a city with social services. Cause in this day and age if you thought God told you to kill your son you’d be in mental hospital and the child would be in foster care.

What would have happened if Noah listened to all those making fun of him and never built the ark? Imagine if Moses would have been embarrassed to stretch the rod toward the sea. What might have happened? What if Joshua wouldn’t have walked around Jericho with all the Israelites in tow, no one making a sound? What if David had run, terrified of the giant standing before him?

The Bible is full of men and woman who are called to do some crazy “God” things.

Then again, didn’t the Lord tell us in Isaiah 55:8 “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.”

What makes sense to God, what fits in His plan, will at times make no sense to us. The thing is, I don’t think He is concerned with us understanding. He is concerned that we are obedient.

A couple of weeks ago on a Sunday morning I was sitting at this very table, praying. I asked God what He wants us to do next. What is our next step? Immediately I heard him whisper, do what I told you to do then I will give you the next step. Not before.

I headed to church and guess what the message was on? Yep. “How do you know what God wants you to do” was the title. And the answer on the pastor’s lips were…He is not going to tell you the next thing until you have accomplished the directive you are working on. I had to laugh. That is exactly what He told me in prayer that morning.

I love God. He has a great sense of humor. He is so patient with me and He has huge plans for me.

I think He knows we’ll get distracted if He gives us too much information at one time.

I love this example. A man is traveling from New York to California by car at night. He cannot see the whole distance. He can only see what his headlights illuminate. He keeps going with the little light he has until he reaches his destination.

That is what God wants from us. He wants us to step out in faith and head in the direction He has given us without being able to see the whole picture. God has a unique wonderful plan for each one of us. Whether or not we enter into our calling depends on our obedience to Him.

It’s guaranteed. If you finish what you are doing now, He’ll tell you the next thing. He won’t leave you hanging!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Darlene, how true it is. I enjoyed your post. We would be overwhelmed if we knew the entire plan. That's why it's only one step at a time, by faith.

